Encouraging Growth

I aim to facilitate students’ growth in knowledge, skills, and personal development. As a Hebrew teacher I scaffold students’ learning by providing them with tasks that use their previously accumulated skills to acquire new knowledge and apply it in context. The gains from these activities are evaluated in assignments that measure where students are, and indicate to them what they should work on. I also provide my students with meta-cognitive concepts, to help them understand how they learn, and what kind of work and skill development they need to engage in, to be successful in these classes.

Read more about my Hebrew teaching philosophy

In my study abroad and other inquiry-based classes, I create a structure that helps the students with putting together a qualitative research project. In this effort, they engage in a hermeneutic circle, which includes learning about the subject of their inquiry, and about themselves. I aim to provide these students with meaningful experiences, and to challenge themselves, their preconceptions, and self-understanding.

Read more about my study abroad classes and teaching philosophy
